Sweet Potato Storage

Similar storage to potatoes but slightly warmer (around 50 degrees). These generally do not last as long for storing. Cook and eat them regularly.

Potato Storage

Store in a cool, dark, dry place. A lower cabinet in a basket would work well. I use newspaper or dishtowels between the layers. Once potatoes are dug out of the ground they want to sprout when exposed to light. If a potato gets soft or spongy, it is time for the...

Apple Storage

Ideal storage is in the crisper of your refrigerator. Store apples alone as they emit ethylene gas which speeds up the ripening of other produce (perfect for trying to ripen an avocado but not for much else).  Frequently go through your supply and if any have a soft...

Apple and Onion Chicken Thighs

This was a pantry recipe that came out amazing. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Season boneless, skinless chicken thighs with salt and pepper. Brown each side of the thighs in a skillet on medium high heat using a few tablespoons of olive oil. The thighs will not be...